My Bucket List

I have seen so many 'Bucket List' posts just lately that are actually just a list of things to be completed over a holiday that I have decided to make my own Bucket List.

So below is a list of things I would love to do before I kick the bucket, which hopefully won't be for a few years yet.

I will update as I think of new things to do, and also as I cross things off.


Here goes....

  1. Attend Last Night of the Proms at the Albert Hall.  I have been at a party at Imperial whilst the last night was on at the Albert Hall but that is as close as I have been so far.
  2. Attend a Formula 1 Grand Prix, preferably in Barcelona but beggars can't be choosers.
  3. Attend a World's Strongest Man Event, preferably a final but again, beggars can't be choosers.
  4. Be able to walk into a car showroom, point at a car and say 'I'll have that one, how much for cash?'.
  5. Be a Bridesmaid, or more likely given my age, Matron/Maid of Honour.
  6. Have an extended holiday in Spain, 3 months or more.
  7. Go on a long haul holiday.
  8. Get a free upgrade, either flight or hotel.
  9. Build myself a replica TARDIS.
  10. Visit Lakeside to watch the darts.
  11. Win something big!
  12. Attend an event where I receive a free goody bag.
  13. Have an empty laundry basket.

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