Friday 10 May 2013

On paper I am ready to go, in reality I'm still not sure.

Eyebrows have been threaded, clothes bought, returned and more bought, euros have been collected.  Toiletries purchased and the case is packed.  I have also attempted to wax legs and armpits, but that is a whole other post.

The case feels lighter and it is certainly more neatly packed than it was for Great Yarmouth, I haven't even had to open the extension on it and yet I have just weighed it and it is 6kg heavier than it usually is for a week in Spain.  I can only put it down to my ACCA books weighing more but taking up less space, but I have no idea why it feels lighter when I pick it up.

I have 20 kg of hold luggage included in my ticket with Monarch airlines, I bought an Essentials pack when I booked the tickets so the cost of the hold luggage was included as was the little bit of extra allowance.  However I have since discovered that had I not booked my flight so early I would qualify for a further 3kg of allowance as they have increased the allowances for flights booked on or after the 12th April 2013.

Surely all luggage on the flight should have this allowance, why should someone who booked on the 11th April be entitled to less than someone who booked the same flight and essentials pack the next day?  

I am just on the 20kg limit (according to my scales) so do I take a few bits out or do I leave it and hope that that my scales are wrong?

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